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Overcoming Challenges in Learning Performance: A Success Story

Published: June 20, 2023 | 2 min read

Learning new software can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with the platform. However, Hannah’s experience with Proof Positive (PP) ePortfolio platform proved to be an exception to this norm. In this article, we explore Hannah’s journey with PP and how she overcame the few challenges she encountered during the learning process.

Hannah was employed by a council as a Modern Apprentice in a temporary post. As part of her job, she was required to learn and use Proof Positive, a platform used for managing and tracking her performance at work, whilst undertaking her SVQ. While Hannah did not encounter many challenges, she found cross-referencing to be difficult due to her dyslexia, although this was down to her preferred learning style rather than the platform. As a result, she and her assessor agreed to leave this feature out of her training.

Despite this setback, Hannah proved to be a quick learner. She picked up how to use the platform quickly once her assessor showed her the ropes. Her assessor was impressed by how well she used the system and noted that she was always willing to ask for help when needed. Hannah’s diligence paid off, and she achieved the qualification required for her career development as part of her MA post.

Hannah found completing her qualification online to be a positive experience that helped her grow as a professional. Furthermore, her assessor was impressed by Hannah’s dedication and commitment in using the platform. Her willingness to learn is a testament to her character and determination and as a result she gained a permanent post within the Council.

In conclusion, Hannah’s experience with the Council and the ePortfolio platform is a success story. Despite encountering a few challenges, she was able to overcome them and use the platform to achieve her career goals. Her journey is an inspiration to anyone looking to learn new software and improve their skills. With the right attitude and approach, anyone can learn and succeed in any environment.

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